Why Jews reject Jesus

a. Sorcery or black magic is an ancient occult art. The Egyptian magicians duplicated three of the miracles which Moses performed so expertly that it caused Pharaoh to become unimpressed with what Moses had done. "The sorcerers did the same with their magic arts" (Exodus 7 & 8). The witch of Endor summoned the soul of the Prophet Samuel, who then appeared and spoke with King Saul (1 Samuel 28:11-15). So also in the first century there were those who learned and practiced it:

Acts 8:9-11 "There was a man named Simon who practiced magic in the city, astonishing the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great. They all paid attention to him from the least to the greatest saying: 'This man is what is called the Great Power of G-d.' They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic arts."

Acts 19:19 "Many of those who practiced magic brought their books, and burnt them in the sight of everyone, and they counted the value of them, and found it came to 50,000 pieces of silver."

Origen, 3rd Century Church Father (Contra Celsus Book 1, Chapter 9):
The magicians in Egypt cast out evil spirits, cure diseases by a breath, call up the spirits of the dead, make inanimate things move as if they were alive and so influence some uncultered men. They produce in them whatever sights and sounds they please. But because they do such things shall we consider them the sons of G-d? Or shall we call such things the tricks of pitiable and wicked men?

The Rabbis who witnessed Jesus performing exorcisms accused him of being one of these magicians (Matthew 9:34). This was their eyewitness reasoned conclusion and the traditional Jewish thought. It is stated as such in the Talmud Sota 47a: "Jesus the Narzarene practiced magic, deceived and led Israel astray."
It is far more plausible that Jesus was a magician than he was G-d!

b. It is intrinsically ingrained in the Jewish soul that G-d is One, and that He is infinitely beyond us. G-d is the Constant Creator of this massive universe. If you believe that He was born as an infant, raised up in a family until manhood and then died, all in the person of Jesus ...

Then consider what the New Testament also says about Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18), the king of a city-state in the time of Abraham:
Hebrews 7:3 "He is without father or mother or genealogy, and has neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the son of G-d, he continues a priest forever."

The writers of the New Testament believed that there was a thin separation between Heaven and Earth. Therefore, it was easy for them to transform human beings into eternal gods. Their mindset re-surfaces elsewhere:
Acts 14:11 "And when the crowds saw what Paul did, they lifted up their voices saying in Lycaonian: 'The gods have come down to us in the form of men!'"

c. Scholars are generally in agreement that the book of Mark was the earliest written gospel (66 - 70 C.E.). Being the closest in time to Jesus, he was more vulnerable of being challenged by eyewitnesses. Hence, his gospel was the least supernatural. He has no virgin birth nor birth stories. No resurrected saints. No earthquake nor angels at the tomb. And Jesus is called master not L-rd.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that the earliest complete New Testament manuscripts extant, the Codex Vaticanus (315 C.E.) and the Codex Sinaiticus (340 C.E.) do not have the current Mark 16:9-20. Its miraculous narrative detailing Jesus' alleged post resurrection appearances, and ascension to Heaven would have been uncharacteristic of Mark to have written.
These manuscripts stop at 16:8: "The women went to the tomb, and saw a young man sitting inside. They fled from the tomb... and said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid."
Mark is telling us that no one heard of the empty tomb story until his gospel was written 35 years later.

The story of the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11) is also missing in both Codices:
John 8:7 "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."

After the original New Testament books were written, Scribes added, changed and deleted intentionally or by error. Their copies were then passed on to other Scribes who continued the corruption. In the end, we have copies of copies. A comparison of the 5,700 Greek manuscripts show hundreds of thousands of differences. And thousands between the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus!